Record Retrieval

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Neos with YoCierge

Record Download from


Health Facilities

Record Retrieval

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Record Download from


Health Facilities

Neos with YoCierge

Record Retrieval

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Neos with YoCierge

Experience the fully integrated case management and medical recod retrieval with Assembly Software + YoCierge.

Medical record retrieval now seamlessly integrates with Neos to give you unprecedented efficiency for your law office. Assembly and YoCierge software engineers have designed this interface to take advantage of the unique features only available in Neos. The solution lives in a private cloud just like Neos, so you don't need to install any software to take advantage of the improvements below.

Get started by scheduling your YoCierge demo today!


Sign Up for YoCierge

Search Among Your Neos Cases

Once you have connected your YoCierge account with Neos, you will be able to search all your Neos cases from the YoCierge portal. The search happens in real-time and, thanks to Neos’ cutting-edge technology, it’s lightning-fast and intelligent, not only recognizing case names but also searching your parties and listing related cases.

Neos Project


Neos YoCierge Matter


Patient or Subject Details Automatically Prepopulated

Record retrieval often faces unexpected delays because of incorrect information provided; it’s easy to make a typo in a name or date of birth. When you use our Neos integration, the cases’ parties will be presented in a simple, drop-down menu on our portal. In the case of multiple parties, we detect the ones you most likely need records for and ignore the others.



Often knowing the exact date of loss or date of the incident is helpful when locating records. Just use Neos’ DOI section and it will be automatically carried over to your record request.



Getting signatures on HIPAA forms has been a time-consuming task, but now, we can copy the email address that you entered for the party in Neos and send the HIPAA forms with just a click for e-signatures. Your client can sign it legally on their phone and be done with it in seconds.

Neos E-Authorization


Neos E-Authorization in YoCierge


Records Delivered Straight Into Neos

Once records arrive at YoCierge, they will be uploaded automatically into Neos under the Case Docs. This makes it effortless to track what has arrived for your case and provides easy access to all Neos users, even those who were not involved in the record retrieval process.

Neos Record Upload

Expenses Registered as Value Items

When YoCierge creates an invoice for record retrieval, it also automatically registers a new Value item in Neos. This ensures that no expenses were missed and that your firm will be reimbursed properly for the record retrieval costs. A copy of the actual invoice is attached to the entry as well.

Neos Invoice

No Additional Cost

Both Neos and YoCierge are committed to providing the best possible user experience, therefore, there is no additional charge for using this revolutionary integration.