Every day, we send out a large number of mailed requests and subpoenas via certified mail to custodians. Thanks to our USPS integration, every piece of these mailers is properly addressed and easily trackable.
When you order records via subpoenas from us, our portal, in real time with USPS, checks the mailing address of the opposing counsel or the custodians, ensuring that everybody gets properly notified and served. This helps avoid significant delays caused by incomplete mailing addresses.
After we send our certified mailer, we register the tracking number in our system, making it easy for you to track the status of the mailers from our portal. Just click on the tracking number to go to the USPS tracking information page.
When we issue your firm an invoice with postage charges, we include the tracking number as well, making it easy to validate the charge and, if needed, to check the status of the mailer.