Fast and Easy Order Registering
Unlimited Number of Counsels per Cases
Integrated USPS Address Verification
Prepopulated HIPAA Authorization Forms
Workers' Compensation Subpoenas
When you need records, whether by authorization or by subpoena, you want them to come as quickly as possible. But everything needs to be done correctly. Your staff may spend hours trying to find the correct place to submit a request, fill out all the paperwork for subpoenas, and follow up on requests. Save your firm time and money—YoCierge offers stellar record retrieval and subpoena services! From Notice of Intent to putting the records in the right case file, YoCierge makes your job that much easier!
If you want top-notch service, YoCierge is the way to go. Our in-house software engineers have designed our portal and are always updating it to make it better—better for you, exactly how you need it! We have the highest standards for fast, efficient, accurate service—you should too, and you can get that great service by signing up with YoCierge. Look below to see how our process works to make your life easier and save you time and money!
YoCierge provides subpoena services to defense firms nationwide. We start from the Notice of Intent and follow through to the actual retrieval of the records from the custodians. We provide full services for subpoenas with the most efficient technological processing for defense lawyers across the country.
YoCierge has the most user-friendly interface in the industry. You can register your orders through our portal on a PC or a tablet. Even the most complex lawsuit with multiple attorneys and many locations for document retrieval can be registered in minutes.
It is easy to add an unlimited number of opposing and other counsels in the Order Details step. The counsel information is saved, so the next time you litigate against the same counsel, the data will be already there.
Instead of using a fixed $100 limit for custodian charges, you are free to change it to any amount, based on the importance of the document or your client agreement.
Our system always checks any attorney or location address with USPS for accuracy, making sure there will be no delay on delivery of the documents.
With one click, prepopulated HIPAA authorization forms can be sent with the Notice of Intent to all healthcare locations. This makes the often complex procedure of getting medical records with subpoenas shorter. Opposing counsel only needs to have the forms signed, making their cooperation more likely.
When you obtain your workers’ compensation case subpoenas yourself, it can be tedious to add the same locations again on your subpoena provider’s webpage. Not with YoCierge! You can just Bulk Upload the subpoenas, and we will register the locations for you. It will save you hours every week.
Do you find it cumbersome to copy & paste your rider texts every time for each location? We offer a better way to do it! You can save "Rider Templates" on our portal and just select them from a pull-down menu. Are you using the same riders for retrieving records from a bank? No problem—just register a "Bank" template and use that for every order.
But what if your riders use variable text, where you want to enter, for example, the DOB of the subject? We offer variable fields, so even if some part of the text is changing, the rider text will always be accurate to that particular subject.
In contrast to many of our competitors, we have developed our system ourselves. Our in-house software engineers can customize the interface to coordinate your ordering experience with your law firm’s procedures, whether it’s a complex modification of order entry or something as simple as sending the invoices to a designated email address. Whatever makes your experience easier, we will develop it for you as part of our job.